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Wildlife Control

Our Animal Control and Wildlife Removal Services include:


If you are having Nuisance animals and pest wildlife on your property or in your attic, the safest and most humane way to remove them is to set the appropriate traps & bait depending on the species of wildlife you are encountering. Once the animal is caught, all nuisance wildlife is safely and humanely relocated to a wildlife preserve. Every Animal Removal and Wildlife Control situation is different, this is why we provide free estimates and inspections. Our trapping techniques also vary for each type of animal we encounter.


Once you know that you have animals in your home, the only way to keep them from coming back is to exclude them. This is done by closing off any access points around your home where the animal may have been using to access. When performing an exclusion we only use durable and strong materials, ensuring the animals cannot chew through it. We also use appropriate deterrents depending on the species of wildlife. All of our trapping and handyman work done to ensure the protection of your home.


Now that we have removed the Nuisance Animal from your attic we need to clean up the mess left behind. When an animal is in your attic they can cause damage from urinating, defecating and breeding. All of these are contaminates left behind in your attic, including bacteria, diseases and insects, can spread throughout your home’s insulation. These hazards can lead to severe respiratory problems- bacteria getting into the airways of your home through leaks in A/C tubing, wall voids, and more. We will do a full cleanup and restoration of your attic, when we are done it will be like you never had a problem!


Wild animals can cause a lot of damage to your home. Especially to your attic space and the insulation if they’ve chosen to live there. Removing the animal is sometimes the least of your concerns. Rodent, Raccoon or bat infestations can leave you with your insulation needing to be replaced. Once the affected insulation had been replaced, treating the attic with an anti-microbial application that will break down all feces and urine and sanitize your home of all bacteria and disease. This will ensure that you no longer have to worry about health issues. The benefits of the Antimicrobial Attic Treatment are it will get into every little nook and cranny of your attic to ensure that there is nothing left behind. Finally once the Attic has been fully clean and treated we will install new Pest Control Cellulose insulation into the attic to the appropriate energy saving levels. When we are all said and done our attic restoration team will have your attic looking like it never had an animal infestation at all.


Most of the calls we get are because homeowners hear animals scurrying around inside the attic or walls. Most of the damage inside a houses or attic is unseen. Rodents like squirrels, mice, and rats often chew on electrical wires. Wildlife such as raccoons, bats, birds, opossums, and rats spread several diseases that humans can and do catch, such as Histoplasmosis, Salmonella, Leptospirosis and more. Many critters leave droppings and urine in an attic or cause mold or odor problems. We also handle animals outside the house. It could be a critter that has dug a large hole next to your house, or a raccoon in your garbage cans, an opossum that is stealing pet food, or a skunk living under your deck, causing an odor problem. Some animals destroy your garden or landscaping. Or perhaps you are simply scared of snakes. Whatever the problem is, our wildlife experts can remove the source of the problem,and prevent it from happening again. We are a Pest Control licensed and insured pest control company.

Raccoon Removal - Raccoons commonly live in the attic, where they cause damage. They can also cause many problems outside.

Rat Extermination - We solve rat and mouse problems PERMANENTLY, by finding and sealing shut any and all rat entry holes.

Bat Control - We have a 100% success rate safely removing Florida bats from buildings, and we guarantee our work.

Squirrel and Rodent Removal - For any critter, such as squirrels in the attic, we remove them, repair damage, & clean.

We do a complete job, from start to finish. We remove wildlife humanely and effectively. When we encounter animals inside a house, we inspect every part of the house, from ground to roof, to identify all the areas of entry, and we perform professional repairs. We inspect inside the attic to find any damage, and provide full cleaning services. We offer attic restoration, permanent rodent control, bat colony exclusion, bird prevention, snake removal, dead animal removal and odor control, and more. We are fully Florida licensed and insured, and ready to solve your Fort Myers critter problem. Call us any time for a phone consultation and price quote, at 844-547-7378.