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Interior Pest Control in Palm Beach FL | Services | Paramount Pest Doctors

Pests for All Seasons

Ants, cockroaches, spiders, rats, and such others never take a break from being what they are: pests. These love the sun and rain, and can weather any type of climate just to annoy you and bring harm to your family, pets, and home. Pests are perennial threats to humans and pets, within the home’s interiors and without, and these creatures will only surrender to extermination experts, such as Paramount Pest Doctors’ team members. Our technicians are trained, experienced, and trustworthy professionals, who devote their time and energy to deliver customized services in Palm Beach and Martin counties. We use nothing less than superior equipment and supplies that are approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including eco-smart products.

Treatments Approved by Humans and Pets

Paramount offers year-round treatment plans that are safe for humans and pets, so you will not worry about the health and wellbeing of your entire family. We use long-lasting, EPA-approved products that are kind to the air, soil, and the environment in general. We meticulously apply the pest-control products in each problem area, such as the cracks in kitchens and bathrooms, crevices in attics and garages, hard-to-reach spots on doors and windows, and gaps between walls. We also treat decks and patios, as well as other parts of the home’s exterior.

Our technicians are some of the best professionals in South Florida, who can properly evaluate every property we serve and develop custom solutions to pest problems. Our treatment plans allow you to pick options that suit your pest-control needs and fit your lifestyle, schedule, and budget. We do not allow over-treatment, excessive use of chemicals, exorbitant fees, and non-flexible arrangements.

Paramount offers one-time services, annual service programs, and full preventive maintenance plans with monthly or quarterly service options. Call for your FREE evaluation and get a customized solution to your pest problem. Remember to ask how our HomeGuard Pest Management Program can give you and your family peace of mind and a pest-free life day in, day out!

Specialized Services

If you believe that you do not require our HomeGuard Pest Management Program and full preventive maintenance treatment plan, just pick from our list of à la carte services:

  • Flea Control: Application of well-combined pesticides and insect-growth regulators inside the home and throughout the yard to exterminate fleas and prevent eggs from hatching.
  • Carpenter Ant Treatment: Application of non-repellent pesticide on window casings, roof eaves, and attics, as well as plants and bedding mulch, to eliminate carpenter ants that can weaken the structural integrity of homes.
  • Fire Ant Treatment: Application of well-formulated products to rid the premises of colonies of harmful fire ants.
  • Mosquito Control: Application of insecticide using a high-velocity technique to the underside of foliage outside the home but within the premises.
  • Lawn and Ornamentals Treatment: Application of products intended for outdoor pests, such as aphids and southern chinch bugs.
  • Perimeter-Only Treatment: Application of residual pesticide outside of the house but within the premises.