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Fire Ant Control Services

The most efficient way to eliminate fire ants from your property is through our professional fire ant control services.

Other than stepping on those infuriating sand spurs, nothing much ruins your time out in your yard than getting attacked and bit by fire ants. These pests are amazing in their ability to defend their home and community, and in their ability to survive despite typical DIY attempts to remove them. The most efficient way to eliminate them from your property is through our professional fire ant control services.

At Paramount Pest Doctors., we have nearly 20 years of combined experience and quality products to wage the war on these soldiers of painful bites. We don’t just take care of the ones you see;we also keep the hidden ones from reorganizing and setting up shop in a new location. Driving fire ants back behind is not enough. They must be eradicated.

Fire ant control services are important for homeowners, as well as other types of properties in Lakeland. Since a large fire ant colony can be very destructive to crops and equipment, as well as cause soil erosion, it is important to take care of fire ants before they become a massive colony.

It is important not to ignore it if you have some fire ants in your yard. A small colony becomes a larger one quite quickly, since a colony can grow by as much as 100,000 new fire ants each year. Not only are they a nuisance for enjoying your yard, but they can also damage your outdoor electrical boxes and your landscape lighting.

Call us to discuss our fire ant control services. You will find us to be very affordable and effective.For more information about our services contact our customer care team at (844) 547-7378.