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Signs of Rodents

10 Tell “Tail” Signs of a Rodent Infestation

As the Fall season kicks off, rodents are beginning to seek shelter and warmth inside accessible homes and businesses. While larger infestations make themselves known, it is best to catch rats and mice before their populations grow. But how do you know if you have a problem?

Here are 10 tell “tail” rodent infestation signs to look out for.

How Paramount Pest Doctors Can Help

We at Paramount Pest Doctors will provide you with an effective plan for pest control that has the safety of your family and pets in mind. We are pet lovers, too, so we fully understand your concerns.

Each household pesticide that we use has been approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Additionally, the methods we apply conform to EPA standards and comply with the law.

Our team consists of professionals with training and experience in the proper, prudent use of such products. We only spray when and were necessary, to minimize human and pet exposure to pesticides.

From our range of pest control options, choose the one that fits your lifestyle and budget!

How Can You Tell You Have a Rodent Problem?

  • Chew Marks: Finding small chew marks on wood, cardboard, and other materials? Rodents of all sizes are known to gnaw on everything from baseboards to wires.
  • Musky Odor: A rodent infestation is usually accompanied by a musky odor. This odor tends to grow stronger as the infestation worsens.
  • Rotting Odor: If a rodent dies inside a dwelling the smell will be strong. We strongly advise calling a licensed pest control professional to find and remove dead rodents or other pests as they can be very hazardous. If you do remove a dead rodent on your own, be sure to wear gloves and a mask.
  • Odd Pet Behavior: If your dog or cat is scratching at walls or acting erratic in a certain area of the home, it could be a sign of rodents. Make a note of where they exhibit this behavior, it is great information to provide a pest technician when they inspect your home.
  1. Droppings: Rodent droppings are amongst the most common and easily seen signs of an infestation. Mice droppings are usually no more than ¼” in length and are small, dark brown, with pointed ends. Rat droppings can be anywhere between ¾” and ½” long and vary in shape depending on the type of rat. Always use gloves and a mask when cleaning up rodent droppings.
  2. Tracks: Tiny rodent footprints are another obvious sign of infestation. Look for these up high where dust collects easily and potential tracks would identifiable.
  3. Holes: Mice and rats will sometimes gnaw small holes in thin walls or materials in order to create new entry points and ways to get around.
  4. Allergies: It can be hard to determine the cause of allergies but pest allergies are often overlooked. The fur and droppings of rodents can actually cause allergic reactions in some people. 97% of allergists believe a pest-free home can help combat regular allergy problems.
  1. Grease Marks: The oils on rodents fur can create grease marks, or streaks, on surfaces when they run across. Look for unexplained marks like this when inspecting for rodents.
  2. Noise: Scampering, gnawing noises, and scratching could all be signs that a rodent, or rodents, are in your home or business. Noises are often heard in attics, ceilings, and inside walls.

Rodent infestations can be equally expensive and hazardous. Whether you have an active infestation or believe you may be vulnerable to one, don’t hesitate to give us a call! We offer no-charge inspections in order to identify and offer the right solution for you.