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Exterminator in Boca Raton FL | Mosquito Control | Paramount Pest Doctors

Who Rules Your Backyard, You or Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are basically a menace to humans and their pets. Not only do these winged creatures annoy people with their whining sound; they also bite and bring severe skin irritation and life-threatening disease. People do not want mosquitoes in their house and lawn, obviously, but they are too helpless to stop these dangerous insects from coming over, breeding like mad, and ultimately ruling the place.

If you live in Boca Raton or another community within Palm Beach or Martin county, and you are challenged with swarms of mosquitoes at home, contact an expert exterminator right away. You should never risk being overpowered by these insects, some of which species are known to carry deadly pathogens.

Regain Control of Your Home Now!

Paramount Pest Doctors will exterminate mosquitoes in your house and yard. Our team has the capability to revert your home in its mosquito-free state, where you can relax endlessly on your lawn, hold happy backyard barbecues, and sleep in peace. We have a safe and effective mosquito-treatment strategy that eliminates the adult mosquitoes and breaks their life cycle, and we start this multi-step process by identifying their habitat and then destroying it immediately.

Our unique extermination strategy applies to this part of South Florida where mosquitoes could be more than a nuisance. The program offers various options to meet your needs.

Don’t Let Mosquitoes Feast on Your Guests.

Planning to throw a party in your backyard? Go ahead and stop worrying that mosquitoes will bite your precious guests and suck the merriment out of the special occasion.

The Paramount Pest Doctors’ mosquito-extermination program will rid your premises of those flying bugs in time for the celebration. Our single treatment will keep mosquitoes away for up to 30 days, which is more than the time you need to host a successful, bug-free party. We also have a long-term treatment plan for those who want peace of mind day in, day out.

South Florida Mosquito Exterminators You Can Count On

Palm Beach and Martin counties are probably the best place to be in the southern part of the Sunshine State. The people are cool, and the climate is warm. It is almost paradise here, except that mosquitoes tend to mingle with everyone and attack communities. These insects even have the nerve to invite themselves into homes, offices, and shops, and feed on the human and pet occupants!

If your home gets swarmed by mosquitoes, call Paramount Pest Doctors ASAP. We have single treatments and long-term preventative plans that will allow you to enjoy South Florida without being plagued by these winged, disease-bearing insects. Our long-term program is mostly implemented during mosquito season, from late spring to early fall, although we deliver solutions all year round.

Mosquitoes, the World’s Deadliest Animals

Rattle snakes, crocodiles, tigers, and sharks are deadly, sure, but these are not THE deadliest non-human animals on the planet. The really deadly ones may actually be just a few feet out your front and back doors: mosquitoes! Despite their small size, mosquitoes carry disease-bearing pathogens, which they inject into the hosts through their bite. Think dengue, malaria, encephalitis, yellow fever, West Nile fever. And that’s just for people. Mosquitoes also spread heartworm disease among dogs and, less commonly, cats.

According to World Health Organization estimates, mosquitoes are responsible for the deaths of several million people annually. These menacing insects also cause illnesses that gravely reduce the quality of life. People bitten by mosquitoes do not necessarily die, but some victims suffer long-term complications in the brain or in other organs.

Would you risk being bitten by mosquitoes? And would you want to harbor swarms upon swarms of these in your backyard? If not, call Paramount Pest Doctors at the first sign of mosquito infestation in your Palm Beach or Martin county home. Our treatment options are safe, convenient, and effective!

How To Prevent Mosquitoes from Dominating Your Home

Mosquitoes are drawn to certain things, such as body heat, movement, dark colors, moisture in the environment, and carbon dioxide (or the air that we breathe out). Although you can’t completely do away with whatever attracts these insects, you can proactively do something to control their presence.

Here are a few tips for preventing mosquitoes from invading your house and yard:

  • Place large electric fans on your deck or patio to shoo mosquitoes away.
  • Light up your deck or patio with citronella candles, which will help repel mosquitoes.
  • Use “bug lights” instead of mosquito-attracting incandescent lights.
  • Use black-light “bug zappers” if you shun chemical sprays.
  • Remove litter from your premises ASAP; discarded eggshells, wrappers, cans, and bottles can hold water for mosquitoes to lay their eggs.
  • Be sure you don’t have stagnant water in your flower pots, birdbath, and pool.
  • Keep guttersand other areas with stagnant water clean and dry.
  • Wear insect repellent under light-colored, loose-fitting clothes when outdoors, especially during mosquito season.

Keeping Your Pets Safe from Mosquito Bites

Your dogs and cats can fall victim to the heartworm-causing parasite that mosquitoes inject into the body through their bite. Dogs are the more likely prey, and treating them for an infection could be costly and frustrating. This is why prevention is extremely important. With the Paramount Pest Doctors’ mosquito-extermination program, you are sure to eliminate the risk of harboring disease-bearing mosquitoes at home. We also offer single and long-term treatment plans for commercial settings, such as your office or shop.