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Keep Your Home and Business Pathogen-Free

If you want to ensure that your home is a safe haven for you and your loved ones or that your place of work will be safe to return to after pathogens have infected it, contact us or call our office at (844) 547-7378 today. Ourteam will use every available method to eliminate all traces of pathogens, including those linked to serious viruses like COVID-19.

Customized Disinfection Systems

Paramount Pest Doctors knows that every home or business is different and has faced unique threats and challenges during the pandemic. That’s why our experts will work with you to ensure that our disinfectant services are personalized to fit each individual client. Our team will address your properties specific needs to ensure that your living space or workspace is as decontaminated as possible.

For more information about our customized services, call us at (844) 547-7378 or send us an online message to consult with our customer care professionals.

Taking Every Step to Keep You Safe from Viruses

If your home or business has been exposed to dangerous pathogens, or if you’re taking preventative measures to ensure your continued good health, our team is there for you. Our industrial-strength cleaning supplies are approved by the CDC and the EPA, and our disinfection team is fully trained to handle biohazards and potentially contaminated materials.

While no cleaning solutions or procedures have been guaranteed to kill 100% of pathogens, we use only the best materials and the most thorough technicians to eliminate as much of the virus as possible.

Trust Our Team to Keep You Safe

Paramount Pest Doctors takes every precaution to make sure the only thing we’re doing at your home or business is removing pathogens, not bringing them in. Our team, our equipment, and our vehicles are all held to rigorous cleanliness standards, and you can be assured that any technician who enters your home or business will only do so while outfitted in the proper personal protective equipment required to prevent contamination.

We are committed to doing everything we can to combat the spread of COVID-19, commonly known as the Coronavirus. While we all practice responsible social distancing and isolation, our team will work to make sure your home or business is free of all outside contamination, you can rest easy knowing that the places you frequent are safe from the virus.

The health and safety of you and our loved ones is our number-one priority during this crisis, and we will do everything we can to destroy the virus and prevent it from spreading further. To schedule a visit from our professional cleaning team, contact us or call (844) 547-7378 today.